The Importance of Myopia Management: Preventing Progression and Complications

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common refractive error affecting vision, and its prevalence is increasing globally. Not only does myopia make distant objects appear blurry, but if not managed properly, it can lead to severe eye complications.

Understanding Myopia

When you're dealing with or myopia, you find that distant objects are not as clear as they should be. This condition occurs due to the elongation of your eyeball or an overly curved cornea, resulting in light focusing in front of the retina instead of directly on it. The reasons behind the development of myopia are multifaceted, involving both genetic and environmental factors.

Your genetic makeup plays a crucial role. If your parents are myopic, the chances are higher that you will develop the condition. However, environmental factors, such as prolonged near tasks like reading, writing, or staring at computer and smartphone screens, can exacerbate the tendency towards myopia. Additionally, there’s increasing evidence suggesting that spending less time outdoors may influence the onset and progression of myopia.

Symptoms often start in childhood and may include squinting, eye strain, headaches, and difficulty seeing distant objects clearly. These signs should not be ignored, as early detection and management are key to preventing myopia from advancing to more severe stages.

The Importance of Slowing Myopia Progression

Slowing the progression of myopia is crucial. Without intervention, myopia can progress rapidly, especially in children and adolescents whose eyes are still developing. As myopia worsens, the elongation of the eyeball increases, which can lead to a higher risk of complications.

Intervening early can help stabilize your eye’s prescription, potentially reducing the risk of developing high myopia. High myopia significantly increases the likelihood of developing sight-threatening conditions such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, early cataract development, and myopic macular degeneration.

With today’s advancements in vision care, a variety of treatment options are available to help slow the progression of myopia in both children and adults.

An Effective Solution for Myopia Management

Orthokeratology, commonly known as Ortho-K, is a non-surgical treatment option that has emerged as an effective solution for managing myopia. This innovative method involves specially designed gas permeable contact lenses that you wear overnight. While you sleep, these lenses gently reshape the cornea, the clear front surface of your eye, correcting refractive errors.

Upon waking and removing the lenses, you can experience clear vision throughout the day without the need for glasses or contacts. Ortho-K is particularly beneficial for children and young adults whose myopia is progressing, as it can help to slow the elongation of the eyeball, which is key to controlling myopia over time.

This treatment option is also appealing for those who engage in sports or other activities where glasses and contacts are impractical. Ortho-K offers freedom from daytime eyewear, providing convenience and an enhanced quality of life.

Why Regular Eye Exams Matter in Myopia Management

Regular eye exams are the cornerstone of effective myopia management. These exams allow optometrists to monitor the health of your eyes, assess the progression of myopia, and adjust treatment plans as necessary. Early detection and treatment are critical in slowing myopia progression and preventing complications.

Eye exams also provide an opportunity to evaluate the fit and effectiveness of Ortho-K lenses if you are using them for myopia management. Since your eyes can change over time, regular check-ups ensure that the lenses continue to provide optimal vision correction and that the health of your cornea is not compromised.

Lastly, through comprehensive eye exams, your optometrist can detect signs of eye diseases that are more prevalent in individuals with myopia. This early detection can lead to timely treatment, which is essential for preserving vision.


Managing myopia is a crucial aspect of maintaining your overall vision health. Understanding the causes and symptoms of myopia, recognizing the importance of slowing its progression, and being aware of the complications of unmanaged myopia are vital steps in taking charge of your eye health. Ortho-K presents an effective option for managing myopia, offering both benefits and limitations that should be carefully considered.

If you're concerned about myopia or are interested in exploring treatment options such as Ortho-K, visit Chan Eye Care at our office in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Please call (757) 430-8800 to schedule an appointment today.